Fear Mongering

May 07 2020

Q: I watched NBC news report titled “Rise In Cases Of Children With Rare Illness Thought To Be Linked To COVID-19 | NBC Nightly News”. What do you know about this? Your thoughts? This is definitely not similar to the flu?

A: It is a fear mongering. It takes very little time to confirm presence of the virus. It does not sound like any of 64 cases were confirmed. Why? In fact, based on few photos, it looked like Measles but there is a bunch of other diseases which may look like this.

Q: Hmmmm - it is strange (and highly unlikely in my opinion) that doctors or any other care providers would know this and yet claim it might be tied to Covid. Like, what’s the rationale? Confusing to me... even if it were a conspiracy, how could so many people be in on it? Also, does Measles cause cardiac arrest sometimes?

A: What does “tied to Covid” mean? Why do not they say: caused by Covid or Covid positive?

Many people think that measles is rash only, but it also causes pneumonia, myocarditis and some children (and adults!) still die from measles in America and other developed countries. The sudden cardiac arrest in a healthy child cannot be from infection although. This is complete nonsense. The goal of this is to convince parents that kids must stay home. I cannot see any other implication of this kind of news.

Dr. Why’s bottom line: “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.”— H. P. Lovecraft

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